Andrew Burns BA, M.ED

Founder and Coach

Andrew has over 15 years of experience in the education industry with fitness, health and lifestyle being at the forefront of his educational philosophy. Andrew firmly believes that a healthy body is paramount in a developing a healthy mind and lifestyle.



Andrew has worked with a diverse range of clients that span across a wide spectrum, which includes everyone from professional athletes and Canadian National Team members to children/teenagers and special populations. Throughout the decades his main focus and passion is still in helping the general population develop a sound knowledge and understanding of how proper movement and nutrition is the driving force behind their daily lives and passions.

Never one to say no to adventure, Andrew applies his group/individual training philosophies to his own daily training so that he can continue to explore his always expanding list of activities and passions that he chases on a daily basis!

Olympic Weightlifting

The “Walt Family and Friends” – More provincial and National medals than I have room to list

Alex Varbanov (10 World Records) Head Coach of the School Of Champions

Pierre Roy (Coached Jacques Demers to a silver medal at 1984 Olympics)

Dan Robitaille, President of the OWA

Greg Everett – Catalyst Athletics

Coach Burgener – CrossFit

Jon North – Cal strength/MDUSA/Attitude Nation

The Ido Portal Method

Movement X workshop with John and Odelia

Hand Balancing workshop


CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Olympic weightlifting

CrossFit Kids

CrossFit gymnastics (participant and coach)

– Coached with a great coach and great friend Jeff Tucker

Nutrition with Robb Wolf